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How to Remove Moss from Concrete: 5 Quick Steps to Make it Gone for Good

How to Remove Moss from Concrete: 5 Quick Steps to Make it Gone for Good

Moss popping up across your concrete pavers isn’t the best for your home’s curb appeal is it?

The unkempt appearance is not one you or anyone else would desire – unless you’re living in an old English castle?

The good news is there’s a way to clear it off and keep it gone. You just need the right guidance.

So, how do you remove moss from concrete pavers, patios, or steps once and for all?

I’ve put together some tips and how-to steps that will help you solve this unsightly problem. 

I’ll also explain the cause behind moss growth on concrete and answer a few more related questions.

So How Does Moss Grow on Concrete Anyway?

moss growing on concrete

Seeing moss on a sidewalk or driveway is pretty common, and here’s why it grows so easily on concrete:

See, some moss types thrive on hard surfaces such as brick, concrete, asphalt, and wood. 

These mosses are quite similar to the ones you’d find on forest rocks in fact.

Now, moss is an example of a curious class of plants, which is called: Bryophytes. 

These plants don’t have roots to transfer water and nutrients, but rather, rhizoids.

When rhizoids attach to the concrete, which happens if the surface is always damp, they can reach through the porous material to the ground beneath.

This is how some mosses begin to form, having access to nutrients in the soil and moisture through the concrete.

Otherwise, dust, dirt and other debris from the air can easily settle on top of the concrete, providing food for thin layers of moss.

Either way, as long as you don’t interfere, the moss will just keep on growing!

moss growing on steps

Plus, if you live in a humid region where your concrete driveway or steps are never dry, it’ll only encourage the growth of moss. 

Frustrating, right?

If you’re wondering how to permanently remove moss from concrete pavers, patios, and more, the next section explains it all.

5 Steps to Effectively Kill Moss on Concrete

Whether you prefer to use chemicals or natural substances, getting rid of moss on concrete is one of the easiest things you can do.

The process could take a couple of hours to a few days to complete based on your choice of the removal method.

Step 1: Prepare the Necessary Supplies

Depending on the concrete structure, how big or small your moss growth is, and the method you’ll use, you might need some or all of the following supplies.

  • A spray bottle
  • Some warm water
  • White vinegar
  • A garden hose
  • A scrub brush

You’ll probably only use the previous supplies if you decide to go the chemical-free way.

However, with larger and more stubborn growths, you’ll have to buy a more powerful cleaning agent.

In this case, we suggest shopping for a moss killer.

While you should be extra careful with it, buying a moss killer for concrete can be far more effective than other alternatives.

Besides, one of the coolest things about this product is that it’s bleach-free.

Therefore, it shouldn’t discolor your concrete steps or pavers. Click here to order your moss killer

Step 2: Use Concentrated Vinegar to Get Rid of Moss on Concrete

strongest vinegar available

Best vinegar to use – Buy Here!

Start by mixing two cups of vinegar (get the potent “good” stuff linked above as it has more acidity and cleaning power!) and two cups of water in a spray bottle or garden sprayer, then shake it well. 

After that, you can begin killing the moss on different concrete applications.

How to Remove Moss from Concrete Pavers, Driveways, Patios, Steps, and Sidewalks

If the moss is spread over large areas of your concrete pavers or driveway, it’s best to use a garden sprayer in this case.

How to do it?

Simply, spray the mixture directly on the affected areas and let it work its charm for a few days. 

Keep checking the surfaces until the moss looks dry and dead.

How to Remove Moss from a Concrete Block Wall

It’s easier to get rid of moss if it’s in small patches on a concrete block wall. 

This is the right way to handle the situation:

Just fill a spray bottle with equal parts of water and vinegar. 

Then, mist the moss with this mixture and leave it to wither away over the course of a couple of days.

Step 3: Try Using a Moss Killer for Stubborn Growths

moss killer spray

Buy Here

Even though vinegar can be an awesome homemade moss killer, some growths may still be too much of a challenge to go away easily.

Here, your best bet is to switch to a ready-to-spray moss and algae killer. 

Just remember to put on rubber gloves before you get to work.

Also, keep in mind that this chemical-based solution offers better results when you apply it between 50 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

This ensures better absorption.

If the weather is hotter than 90 degrees, using the moss killer on concrete can damage its surface.

How to Remove Moss from Concrete Pavers, Driveways, Patios, Steps, and Sidewalks

If the moss growth isn’t severe, it’s a good idea to dilute the moss killer with water. 

In your garden sprayer, mix one part moss killer and three parts water.

Then, simply spray the concrete steps, patio, walkway, or driveway with the solution.

However, if it’s a serious moss problem, you may want to hook the product bottle directly to your garden hose without including water.

How to Remove Moss from a Concrete Block Wall

Repeat the previous method to get rid of moss on a retaining wall or stem walls.

Just lighten up the formula with water if the moss isn’t too much of an issue, or spray the solution directly from the sprayer for deep growths.

Step 4: Clear Away the Dead Moss

Using vinegar will give you results in a matter of days while going for the moss killer should get rid of the plant in a few hours.

Either way, when you notice that the moss is finally brown, it’ll be time to brush it away.

Clearing the dead moss

With your scrub brush, clean the dead moss and rake it up from your yard. 

Then, rinse the concrete with water from a garden hose.

Step 5: Ensure the Moss Doesn’t Grow Back

Thankfully, it’s easy to prevent the growth of moss between concrete pavers or on a block wall. 

Here are a few tips to help you keep moss at bay:

  • Spray the concrete with a mixture of vinegar and water regularly
  • Keep the concrete clean and dry at all times
  • Wash the concrete a few times each season

Now that you know how to get rid of moss on concrete, it’s time to answer some questions that may be on your mind.


Will sealing my pavers prevent moss growth?

Sealing your pavers won’t prevent moss growth 100%. 

However, it can still be pretty effective in reducing the amount of moisture in the pavers.

Of course, that could help you slow moss growth rates a great deal.

This is how you can seal your concrete pavers:

Can’t I just power wash off the moss?

A power washer may seem like it’d do the trick but it’s going to be hit and miss depending on how much moss you have.

For example, you’ll be able to blast away a thicker or fuller outcrop but you’ll be left with the thin layer of moss that is literally growing from within the lower surfaces of the concrete.

It comes back to needing to kill the moss and any of its micro-root systems to ensure it’s gone and stays that way.

If you want to deep wash or even sand your concrete afterwards to make it look new again, you can do that!

Still, stepping on moss-infected areas can cause a person to slip

Can moss damage concrete?

Moss isn’t harmful to concrete steps, sidewalks, patios, or driveways per se. 

Still, stepping on moss-infected areas can cause a person to slip and fall, which is always important for any concrete maintenance.

Therefore, it’s not safe to have moss all over your concrete pavers or patios. 

It’s always a good idea to remove it once it makes an appearance.

Wrap Up

Moss peeking between your concrete pavers isn’t an uncommon sight, and you might think it’s hard to remove. But that’s not the case.

After learning how to remove moss from concrete, you now know that it’ll go away with some white vinegar or moss killer.

Now, are you ready to help your yard get back to its former glory?

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