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Drill Bit Sizes and Drill Chart

Drill Bit Sizes and Drill Chart

Having the right drill bit sizes on hand for your particular repair or building task is essential for any seasoned carpenter or weekend-DIY’er.

Knowing just what size you need to use for the hole you’re making is also important.

It may not be totally evident at first glance.

Many times, we’re just trying to find out the alternative sizes available if you’re working with metric sizes (measured in millimeters) versus standard or empirical values (our familiar fractional inch variety).

TIP: Check out our full drill charts below for a quick reference to find all drill size equivalents.

Finally, getting the right size drill bit set in your greater tool “chest” will arm you for the various types of projects you’re doing.

We’ll discuss these in detail in this article.

Scroll down if you just need a quick reference using our drill chart.

How Many Drill Bit Sizes Are There?

First things first. If you were to look at the most all encompassing collection of multi-purpose, twist-type bits, how many drill bit sizes would there be?

Well, if you base your answer on how many size holes there are in the world, then there would be infinite amount of bits!

Thankfully, we can narrow it down a a lot to some standard sized holes for bolts and screws as well as for bits.

For example, let’s look at the most common applications:

Everyday home repair and construction projects, hobby, marine, farming, woodworking, metal working, aircraft, arts and crafts, commercial building projects, machinery and more.

You get the point!

For each particular application area, you’re going to just see a few dozen or so relevant drill bit sizes.

Large set of bits with different types and sizes

In fact, most nice sets include anywhere from 12-30 pieces of standard drill bit sizes. (And much more when you factor in different types of bits).

Using our drill chart that follows below, you’ll get an idea of just how many sizes there are!

Types of Drill Bits

Various bit types exist for a wide variety of applications, and in particular what material you’re drilling into.

For the sake of simplicity, let’s look at a basic multi-purpose set.

One that could serve any of the above mentioned disciplines well.

Say, for example, a typical 29-piece set. In the following drill bit chart are the typical fractional sizes this kind of set would include.

This would generally apply to many drill bit types, such as black oxide, titanium, carbide, high-speed steel and masonry (concrete), to name a few.

Basic, twist-type drill bit sizes (fractional):

  • 1/16″
  • 5/64″
  • 3/32″
  • 7/64″
  • 1/8″
  • 9/64″
  • 5/32″
  • 11/64″
  • 3/16″
  • 13/64″
  • 7/32″
  • 15/64″
  • 1/4″
  • 17/64″
  • 9/32″
  • 19/64″
  • 5/16″
  • 21/64″
  • 11/32″
  • 23/64″
  • 3/8″
  • 25/64″
  • 13/32″
  • 27/64″
  • 7/16″
  • 29/64″
  • 15/32″
  • 31/64″
  • 1/2″

There are indeed larger sets. Specialty fasteners sometimes call for a size that would be considered uncommon.

Sets with even more varying drill bit sizes would include diameters smaller than 1/16″ or larger than 1-1/2″.

In between in these large tiny and large sizes are every equivalent bit size known to “man”, so you always have the exact size needed depending on what you’re project is calling for.

Here would be the standard drill bit sizes for spade bits (13-pieces):

1/4″ 11/16″ 1-1/4″
3/8″ 3/4″ 1-3/8″
1/2″ 7/8″ 1-1/2″
9/16″ 1″  
5/8″ 1-1/8″  

And sizes for step drill bits:

  • Range from 1/8″ to 1-3/8″

If you need drill bit sizes that are larger than 1″, you can often use a spade bit for wood and other soft materials.

To avoid break-outs and chipping, you can stick to bigger round-shank types.

For shank bits, you’ll work with these sizes (values in inches):

1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1
33/64 41/64 49/64 57/64 1-1/8
17/32 21/32 25/32 29/32 1-1/4
35/64 43/64 51/64 59/64 1-3/8
9/16 11/16 13/16 15/16 1-1/2
37/64 45/64 53/64 61/64  
19/32 23/32 27/32 31/32  
39/64 47/64 55/64 63/64  

How Do You Know What Size Drill Bits You Need?

If you’re an average weekend-warrior, you’ve probably stared at a screw or bolt for a few moments and wondered what size drill bit you would need.

Over time, you get so that you can literally eye-ball it and make an educated guess.

But if you’re looking at a less common drill bit size, you need an aid to help you.

A drill bit size hole card can be very helpful for this. A simple plastic drill chart sheet with perfect round holes and markings on it lets you do a couple of things.

First, you can size screws simply by inserting them into a hole then reading the marking.

You can also size drill bits by pushing them through holes.

This is especially helpful if you can’t read the engraved size markings on the bits.

Of course, you can refer to a screw sizing chart like this one to find out more precisely the exact sizes.

It’s also helpful to find the substitute bit size to cross over between metric and standard measurements.

How to Convert and Find Equivalent Bit Sizes

You can use the drill chart that follows this section to help convert sizes, or you can do the math yourself.

Drill bit size conversion chart

To make things just a little more complicated, not all drill bit sizes are in North American fractional measurements.

The metric system is used to define metric drill bit sizes as well.

If you have this set, or need to match, just use a simple formula to convert from metric to fractional inches, and vice versa:

  • Converting from millimeters into inches: Multiply by 0.039
  • Converting from inches to millimeters: Multiply by 25.4

Matching Screw Sizes

Sizing screw to drill bit size

If you’re curious what size drill bit you’ll need for a particular screw size (for pre-drilling pilot holes), use the following drill bit size chart:

Screw Size

  • #1
  • #2
  • #3
  • #4
  • #5
  • #6
  • #7
  • #8
  • #9
  • #10
  • #11
  • #12

Hole to clear screw

  • 5/64
  • 3/32
  • 7/64
  • 1/8
  • 1/8
  • 9/64
  • 5/32
  • 11/64
  • 11/64
  • 3/16
  • 3/16
  • 7/32

You can use the following charts and guides to help determine sizes for various types of screws as well:

Drill Bit Size Gauge

Even better is to get yourself a drill bit gauge.

These handy cards can help you in a pinch, and can help you to quickly identify which size bit you’ll need based on the screw or hole size you need to drill out. Get one here!

 29-Hole Steel Drill Bit Gauge

Super handy bit size gauge

Best of all, they’re pretty inexpensive and will be something to have as part of your DIY toolbox for many years to come.

Drill Size Charts:

As promised, the following are all the drill bit charts you’ll ever need to help you quickly convert all standard drill bit sizes to their matching measurements.

If you’re tapping holes you’re pre-drilling you can check out our tap drill chart for specific size conversions.

Drill Chart for Gauge 47-96 (smallest to largest)

This chart lists the North American drill gauge sizes and converts them to their decimal equivalent in both inches and millimeters for metric sizes.

NOTE: Below these charts is the standard fractional size conversion drill chart.

Gauge Dec. (in.) Dec. (mm)   Gauge Dec. (in.) Dec. (mm)
96 0.0063 0.16   71 0.026 0.66
95 0.0067 0.17   70 0.028 0.711
94 0.0071 0.18   69 0.0292 0.742
93 0.0075 0.191   68 0.031 0.787
92 0.0079 0.201   67 0.032 0.813
91 0.0083 0.211   66 0.033 0.838
90 0.0087 0.221   65 0.035 0.889
89 0.0091 0.231   64 0.036 0.914
88 0.0095 0.241   63 0.037 0.94
87 0.01 0.254   62 0.038 0.965
86 0.0105 0.267   61 0.039 0.991
85 0.011 0.279   60 0.04 1.016
84 0.0115 0.292   59 0.041 1.041
83 0.012 0.305   58 0.042 1.067
82 0.0125 0.318   57 0.043 1.092
81 0.013 0.33   56 0.0465 1.181
80 0.0135 0.343   55 0.052 1.321
79 0.0145 0.368   54 0.055 1.397
78 0.016 0.406   53 0.0595 1.511
77 0.018 0.457   52 0.0635 1.613
76 0.02 0.508   51 0.067 1.702
75 0.021 0.533   50 0.07 1.778
74 0.0225 0.572   49 0.073 1.854
73 0.024 0.61   48 0.076 1.93
72 0.025 0.635   47 0.0785 1.994


Drill Chart for Gauge 1-46 (smallest to largest)

This chart rounds out the second half of these number gauge sizes down to #1, which is the largest drill bit size.

Gauge Dec. (in.) Dec. (mm)   Gauge Dec. (in.) Dec. (mm)
46 0.081 2.057   23 0.154 3.912
45 0.082 2.083   22 0.157 3.988
44 0.086 2.184   21 0.159 4.039
43 0.089 2.261   20 0.161 4.089
42 0.0935 2.375   19 0.166 4.216
41 0.096 2.438   18 0.1695 4.305
40 0.098 2.489   17 0.173 4.394
39 0.0995 2.527   16 0.177 4.496
38 0.1015 2.578   15 0.18 4.572
37 0.104 2.642   14 0.182 4.623
36 0.1065 2.705   13 0.185 4.699
35 0.11 2.794   12 0.189 4.801
34 0.111 2.819   11 0.191 4.851
33 0.113 2.87   10 0.1935 4.915
32 0.116 2.946   9 0.196 4.978
31 0.12 3.048   8 0.199 5.055
30 0.1285 3.264   7 0.201 5.105
29 0.136 3.454   6 0.204 5.182
28 0.1405 3.569   5 0.2055 5.22
27 0.144 3.658   4 0.209 5.309
26 0.147 3.734   3 0.213 5.41
25 0.1495 3.797   2 0.221 5.613
24 0.152 3.861   1 0.228 5.791


Drill Chart for Gauge Letters (smallest to largest)

Letter gauge drill sizes are used primarily in North American with A starting with the smallest size working 26 size increments to Z.

Gauge Dec. (in.) Dec. (mm)   Gauge Dec. (in.) Dec. (mm)
A 0.234 5.944   N 0.302 7.671
B 0.238 6.045   O 0.316 8.026
C 0.242 6.147   P 0.323 8.204
D 0.246 6.248   Q 0.332 8.433
E 0.25 6.35   R 0.339 8.611
F 0.257 6.528   S 0.348 8.839
G 0.261 6.629   T 0.358 9.093
H 0.266 6.756   U 0.368 9.347
I 0.272 6.909   V 0.377 9.576
J 0.277 7.036   W 0.386 9.804
K 0.281 7.137   X 0.397 10.08
L 0.29 7.366   Y 0.404 10.26
M 0.295 7.493   Z 0.413 10.49


Drill Bit Size Chart: Fractional to Decimal & Metric (Small to Large)

The following drill chart covers the smallest standard drill diameter size of strong>1/64 to 21/32 and gives you the equivalent sizes in both decimal inches and millimeters.

Diam. Dec. (In.) Dec. (mm)    Diam. Dec. (In.) Dec. (mm) 
1/64 0.0156 0.3969   11/32 0.3438 8.7313
1/32 0.0313 0.7938   23/64 0.3594 9.1281
3/64 0.0469 1.1906   3/8 0.375 9.525
1/16 0.0625 1.5875   25/64 0.3906 9.9219
5/64 0.0781 1.9844   13/32 0.4063 10.3188
3/32 0.0938 2.3813   27/64 0.4219 10.7156
7/64 0.1094 2.7781   7/16 0.4375 11.1125
1/8 0.125 3.175   29/64 0.4531 11.5094
9/64 0.1406 3.5719   15/32 0.4688 11.9063
5/32 0.1563 3.9688   31/64 0.4844 12.3031
11/64 0.1719 4.3656   1/2 0.5 12.7
3/16 0.1875 4.7625   33/64 0.5156 13.0969
13/64 0.2031 5.1594   17/32 0.5313 13.4938
7/32 0.2188 5.5563   35/64 0.5469 13.8906
15/64 0.2344 5.9531   9/16 0.5625 14.2875
1/4 0.25 6.35   37/64 0.5781 14.6844
17/64 0.2656 6.7469   19/32 0.5938 15.0813
9/32 0.2813 7.1438   39/64 0.6094 15.4781
19/64 0.2969 7.5406   5/8 0.625 15.875
5/16 0.3125 7.9375   41/64 0.6406 16.2719
21/64 0.3281 8.3344   21/32 0.6563 16.6688


This final drill chart covers the standard bit sizes from 43/64 to 1 27/64.

Diam. Dec. (In.) Dec. (mm)    Diam. Dec. (In.) Dec. (mm) 
43/64 0.6719 17.0656   1 1 25.4
11/16 0.6875 17.4625   1 1/64 1.0156 25.7969
45/64 0.7031 17.8594   1 1/32 1.0313 26.1938
23/32 0.7188 18.2563   1 3/64 1.0469 26.5906
47/64 0.7344 18.6531   1 1/16 1.0625 26.9875
3/4 0.75 19.05   1 7/64 1.1094 28.1781
49/64 0.7656 19.4469   1 1/8 1.125 28.575
25/32 0.7813 19.8438   1 5/32 1.1563 29.3688
51/64 0.7969 20.2406   1 11/64 1.1719 29.7656
13/16 0.8125 20.6375   1 3/16 1.1875 30.1625
53/64 0.8281 21.0344   1 13/64 1.2031 30.5594
27/32 0.8438 21.4313   1 7/32 1.2188 30.9563
55/64 0.8594 21.8281   1 15/64 1.2344 31.3531
7/8 0.875 22.225   1 9/32 1.2813 32.5438
57/64 0.8906 22.6219   1 19/64 1.2969 32.9406
29/32 0.9063 23.0188   1 5/16 1.3125 33.3375
59/64 0.9219 23.4156   1 21/64 1.3281 33.7344
15/16 0.9375 23.8125   1 11/32 1.3438 34.1313
61/64 0.9531 24.2094   1 23/64 1.3594 34.5281
31/32 0.9688 24.6063   1 13/32 1.4063 35.7188
63/64 0.9844 25.0031   1 27/64 1.4219 36.1156

Need More Help?

If you need any questions answered by a home improvement contractor or carpenter, you can chat with one now!

We’ve partnered with JustAnswer Home Improvement to help connect people like you directly to experts in home projects, tools and building materials (yes, even drill bit questions!).

I personally use JustAnswer, and they’ve gotten me out of a bind more than once. I can’t tell you how much time and money they’ve saved me.

Getting some inexpensive DIY advice instantly vs hiring someone to come out and do the job…yeah, no comparison.



More About Drill Bit Sets and Sizing

Some other helpful information to help you in your knowledge of drill bit sizes:

Fractional Sizing

Fractional sizing uses whole, half (1/2), quarter (1/4), eighth (1/8), sixteenths (1/16) and sixty-fourths (1/64).

For example, something just above 31/64″ would be a half-inch, and anything above 63/64″ would be a 1-inch drill bit size.

Super Long Bits

Long drill bits for masonry

Long bit sizes have typical lengths of: 12″ or 18″ overall length. These are handy in situations where you need to drill through thick or multi-layered materials.

Professionals in the electrical industry for example will use these when running wires or cables through finished walls and ceilings.

Other contractors will use masonry bits in their hammer drills to bore through materials such as concrete, stones and bricks.

This is especially useful when creating a hole from the outside of your house to the interior. Lengths of up to 18″ or more may be needed.

Drill Bit Point Angles

The typical sizes of drill bit point angles are 115° or 118° (degrees).

When buying a good set, ensure it contains more than just one of the common (important) size drill bits.

Bits do break as they weaken from usage and high amounts of heat generated from friction.

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lenny kearney

Tuesday 8th of October 2024

is there a chart that includes the overall length of the drill bit?


Saturday 25th of March 2023

So I'm looking at a set of DeWalt drill bits and there are no fractional sizes that I can see, they have letters like "ph1". I cannot find anything explaining what their system translates to. I'm just trying to find the correct bit for 3/8. lol :-(


Tuesday 24th of January 2023

What is the brand of the storage case shown in the article that holds drill bits?


Tuesday 24th of January 2023

It's an old 305-piece drill bit set from "Chicago Power Tools". You might be able to find one used in good shape. Or check Amazon as they have some large kits in more modern cases.

bobby wrench

Tuesday 6th of December 2022

what about 135° angle tip drill bits?

neil mclean

Monday 22nd of February 2021

You have a drill bit gauge 1/16th to 1/2" do you know where i could buy one that starts at 1/2" & goes up to maybe 1 1/2 " ?


Monday 22nd of February 2021

Hi, I've not seen them go quite that big. I believe 1-inch is the biggest I've seen. You can try here: